Search For helped In Quotes 104

I was always very independent and looked out for myself. I think that ability really helped me in later years both in sports and in theatre.

Everyone thought I was going to die like a year later they didn't know. So I helped educate sports and then the world that a man living with HIV can play basketball. He's not going to give it to anybody by playing basketball.

I applaud the American Cancer Society for all they do to eradicate smoking. Their local state and national efforts help to discourage young people from taking up this deadly habit and the resources they provide have helped numerous smokers quit.

I had these kind of unrealistic expectations that were fueled by romantic comedies and it has both helped me and hurt me in many ways. It helped me because in general they've made me hopeful. I just figure things will eventually work out for me. But nobody is like any Tom Hanks character. Nobody is Hugh Grant. No one is Meg Ryan!

I think that's what helped us: confidence respect the desire to work hard.

The success my children have had has helped me immensely. I've showed them a certain respect for this career.

In some ways that fight gave me more respect around the world and helped me be even more popular because so many people felt my pain and saw that I was robbed.

One of the people that I respect the most now a person I think has done a heck of a lot for this world as a leader is Margaret Thatcher. She helped create a world that offers us a lot of excitement as we look to the next century.

What helped me was I had people around me to remind me to help my country even when it did me wrong have respect for my people my family my nation and mankind.

I try to respect the rules of the silent movies and I tried to make signification to make sense and also the crew were very good and the fact that we shot in LA in the real Hollywood studios and houses. We shot in the bed of Mary Pickford and you cannot be any more accurate than that so that helped a lot.