Search For heirs In Quotes 32

This is God's world not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs not non-Christians.

I have a much wider freer view about spirituality. I feel that people need to pursue it on their own personally. You know let it be theirs - a personal relationship with their soul or their God or with their church.

It was a good 15 or 20 years before anyone at Rand would be in the same room with me. They didn't want the question raised 'What's your relationship with Daniel Ellsberg?' And not one of them wrote me a letter because they didn't want a letter of theirs to show up in my trash - which the FBI had been going through.

I hate movies that tell people what to think. I'm proud that Democrats thought 'Thank You For Smoking' was their film and Republicans thought it was theirs. I'm proud that pro-choice people thought 'Juno' was their film and pro-life people thought it was theirs.

It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

When you meet someone new who instantly gets you your sense of humor and your attitudes and your worldview even if theirs are different - and you get them in return. You both talk and talk and agree and laugh and nod and yes yes of course you should get another round of drinks.

To help the poor to a capacity for action and liberty is something essential for one's own health as well as theirs: there is a needful gift they have to offer which cannot be offered so long as they are confined by poverty.

God created man in His own image says the Bible philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs.

The future that I will not live to see is the one my children will live in. That's my immortality. And I shouldn't try to mortgage theirs for my benefit.

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Nixon was an awful president in many ways including in some of his foreign-policy choices. But he left no doubt that foreign policy and America's leadership in the world outside its borders was of paramount importance to him.