Search For hazard In Quotes 18

Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be a challenge to others.

Loads of chemicals and hazardous wastes have been introduced into the atmosphere that didn't even exist in 1948. The environmental condition of the planet is far worse than it was 42 years ago.

The wave of new productive enterprises would provide opportunities to remedy the unjust distribution of environmental hazards among economic classes and racial and ethnic communities.

In every case the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards.

Death not merely ends life it also bestows upon it a silent completeness snatched from the hazardous flux to which all things human are subject.

Courage consists not in hazarding without fear but being resolutely minded in a just cause.

I started to make a study of the art of war and revolution and whilst abroad underwent a course in military training. If there was to be guerrilla warfare I wanted to be able to stand and fight with my people and to share the hazards of war with them.

Say not that honor is the child of boldness nor believe thou that the hazard of life alone can pay the price of it: it is not to the action that it is due but to the manner of performing it.

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I'm really happy here. I think anyone who knows me well and the fans too I hope they know that I love the area and the bond that I've had with the fans has been fantastic.