Search For guaranteed In Quotes 17

The current total of countries in the world with First Amendments is one. You have guaranteed freedom of speech. Other countries don't have that.

Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.

Anybody who is running a marathon or doing a walkathon doing a fundraiser for their school their company by far it's guaranteed the easiest and most fun way to quickly set up a fundraising campaign and send it around to your friends and family.

None of us is guaranteed against failure or corruption of any kind witness what's going on in the world in this moment the follies of human nature and the failures of human nature.

Our educational system is not preparing people for the 21st Century. Failure is an essential part of entrepreneurship. If you work hard you can get an 'A' pretty much guaranteed but in entrepreneurship that's not how it works.

Do not suppose however that I intend to urge a diet of classics on anybody. I have seen such diets at work. I have known people who have actually read all or almost all the guaranteed Hundred Best Books. God save us from reading nothing but the best.

Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best but never your all - reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it.

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No one does a better cleaner or environmental friendlier than the United States when it comes to drilling for oil gas coal oil refineries and fish friendly hydroelectric.