Search For grave In Quotes 63

I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature and that power whether vested in many or a few is ever grasping and like the grave cries 'Give give.'

But you cannot expect every writer to dwell on human suffering. I think my books do deal with grave issues. People who say they are too positive probably haven't read them.

I always figure from the cradle to the grave we all have our individual journeys and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.

They say in the grave there is peace and peace and the grave are one and the same.

It is a grave matter to enter a war without adequate military preparation it may prove fatal to come into peace without moral and religious preparation.

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own and from morning to night as from the cradle to the grave it is but a succession of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress.

Marriage is the grave or tomb of wit.

A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.

Bad leadership during the past years has cast on our Party the shadow of great and grave burdens.

The word of God is full of sad and grave counsel full of the knowledge of God of examples of virtues and of correction of vices of the end of this life and of the life to come.

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And at ten or whatever time in the morning we had the press conference what we knew is there had been an incident at Three Mile Island that it was shut down that there was water that had escaped but it was contained.