Search For glass In Quotes 57

When people think about computer science they imagine people with pocket protectors and thick glasses who code all night.

Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.

I am a positive person. I never think of the glass as half empty. I just keep pushing forward.

Holiday? Is like what? I'm a hyperactive girl so it may be boring for me to be on the beach doing nothing. I just need to find a place for three weeks and work but sleep in the morning maybe write a little bit have a glass of red wine. That's my perfect holiday.

I wake up every morning and I feel like I'm juggling glass balls. I live in Los Angeles my business is run out of London and most evenings I'm cuddled up in front of Skype in my dressing gown speaking with my studio in London. I travel a lot my team travel a lot but I wouldn't have it any other way.

A city with one newspaper or with a morning and an evening paper under one ownership is like a man with one eye and often the eye is glass.

My memory of my mom is a wine glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She was a runway fashion model and she was quite a glamorous woman.

Marriage is like wine. It is not be properly judged until the second glass.

It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips yet she won't drink from my glass.

I love Wagner but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.

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Well I was eight years old and I have an older cousin who is three years older than me and she was doing acting commercials and modeling at the time and... to see my cousin doing that was really inspiring and I wanted to do it. So I went to my mom and I asked her if I could do it and for the acting part of it she made me study for a year.