Search For glamour In Quotes 21

It is great to add some glamour to the food industry like television shows have done for the food world and inspiring people to work in the industry. The flip side of that is unfortunately people think that after they get their qualifications they get their invitation to compete on 'Top Chef.'

I never did quite fit the glamour mode. It is life with my husband and family that is my high now.

The true face of smoking is disease death and horror - not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.

If I took over the 'Glamour' offices for a day I would put Joe Pesci on the cover. I would say 'We've got to change all these magazines a little bit. We have to bring out a different version of what is like cool. You know what's winning. Joe Pesci Burt Reynolds.'

We were probably the last people in the country to get a VCR and we didn't have cable. There wasn't any admiration of glamour no 'I want to look like them or have that lifestyle' because everyone in my town had the same lifestyle. So I didn't think 'Ooh a movie star's birthday!' I just thought 'What?'

I love glamour and artificial beauty. I love the idea of artifice and dressing up and makeup and hair.

Beauty and femininity are ageless and can't be contrived and glamour although the manufacturers won't like this cannot be manufactured. Not real glamour it's based on femininity.

Like charity I believe glamour should begin at home.

Big dress cocktails party - I love that. It is my work but my work allow me to have glamour to wear beautiful and amazing dresses to go to big ceremonies.

I don't think I could live without hair makeup and styling let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one.