Search For gifts In Quotes 60

No what I should really like to do right now in the full blaze of lights before this illustrious assembly is to shower every one of you with gifts with flowers with offerings of poetry - to be young once more to ride on the crest of the wave.

Political liberty the peace of a nation and science itself are gifts for which Fate demands a heavy tax in blood!

The gifts of nature are infinite in their variety and mind differs from mind almost as much as body from body.

It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.

Of all nature's gifts to the human race what is sweeter to a man than his children?

It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner.

Animals they are one of the most beautiful gifts we have and you know if there are people that have compassion there are very few people that put their money into animal rescue organizations. And if there is someone that has that passion animals need all the help they can get.

In suggesting gifts: Money is appropriate and one size fits all.

Quarrels often arise in marriages when the bridal gifts are excessive.

I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talents. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal.

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If the euro zone doesn't come up with a comprehensive vision of its own future you'll have a whole range of nationalist xenophobic and extreme movements increasing across the European Union. And frankly questions about the British debate on EU membership will just be a small sideshow compared to the rise of political populism.