Search For ghost In Quotes 24

Shakespeare also introduces the supernatural into some of his tragedies he introduces ghosts and witches who have supernatural knowledge.

I've got quite a vivid imagination and I'm easily overwhelmed by sensations and things that are beautiful or scary. I don't think I've ever seen a ghost - I think I'm probably haunted by my own ghosts than real ones.

Ghost stories really scare me. I have such a big imagination that after I watch a horror movie like 'The Grudge' I look in the corners of my room for the next two days.

His claim to his home is deep but there are too many ghosts. He must absorb without being absorbed.

The past is a ghost the future a dream and all we ever have is now.

I've always felt that if you back down from a fear the ghost of that fear never goes away. It diminishes people.

A cheerful frame of mind reinforced by relaxation... is the medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run.

The stones themselves are thick with history and those cats that dash through the alleyways must surely be the ghosts of the famous dead in feline disguise.

If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts.

O Death rock me asleep bring me to quiet rest let pass my weary guiltless ghost out of my careful breast.