Search For george In Quotes 67

9/11 was a deliberate carefully planned evil act of the long-waged war on the West by Koran-inspired soldiers of Allah around the world. They hated us before George W. Bush was in office. They hated us before Israel existed. And the avengers of the religion of perpetual outrage will keep hating us.

You know what's funny is that I have this ongoing relationship with the city of Washington D.C. I went to George Washington University and my nickname was K-Dub - based on G-Dub - and I'm now on the board of trustees at George Washington University.

From what we've heard about George W. he has a lot issues that he wants to run on. They're positive. They're good. He thinks he's got a good vision for America.

George W. Bush brought a lot of minorities into his administration which was a positive thing and they had some issues that they wanted to press but 9/11 really gave them direction. It gave them a purpose.

I think Karl Rove saw that in George W. Bush early on and understood the impact that he could have on Texas politics and probably on national politics.

George Clooney's 'Ides of March' could be the most under-appreciated movie of the year. In 20 years they're gonna go back and say 'Oh that was American politics in that time period.' I follow politics I love it and that movie is so authentic.

President George W. Bush is the first American president to call openly for two-states Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

Four years of Jimmy Carter gave us two titanic Reagan landslides peace and prosperity for eight blessed years - and even a third term for his feckless vice president George H.W. Bush.

I was a huge fan of comedy and movies and TV growing up and I was able to memorize and mimic a lot of things not realizing that that meant I probably wanted to be an actor. I just really really amused myself and my friends with memorizing entire George Carlin or Steve Martin albums.

Not that it entirely matters: There is a perception that all actors make their movies. A lot of people assume you're responsible. George Clooney told me actors get all of the blame and all the credit.