Search For garde In Quotes 184

Today's recording techniques would have been regarded as science fiction forty years ago.

Traditionally scientists have treated the laws of physics as simply 'given ' elegant mathematical relationships that were somehow imprinted on the universe at its birth and fixed thereafter. Inquiry into the origin and nature of the laws was not regarded as a proper part of science.

In the post-enlightenment Europe of the 19th century the highest authority was no longer the Church. Instead it was science. Thus was born racial anti-Semitism based on two disciplines regarded as science in their day - the 'scientific study of race' and the Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Ernst Haeckel.

Specialized meaninglessness has come to be regarded in certain circles as a kind of hallmark of true science.

They say it's better to bury your sadness in a graveyard or garden that waits for the spring to wake from its sleep and burst into green.

Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.

We must not however be like the leaders of the great romantic revolt who in their eagerness to get rid of the husk of convention disregarded also the humane aspiration.

I'm so incredibly tired of giving respect to a lot of delusions and crazy ideas just because they are regarded as religions.

The conqueror is regarded with awe the wise man commands our respect but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.

All men are somewhat ridiculous and grotesque just because they are men and in this respect artists might well be regarded as man multiplied by two. So it is was and shall be.