Search For garbage In Quotes 18

There is nothing wrong with your marriage if you're dealing with bills and kids and the broken garbage disposal and in-laws and work demands. That's a normal marriage.

Just as there's garbage that pollutes the Potomac river there is garbage polluting our culture. We need an Environmental Protection Agency to clean it up.

There is no place where we can safely store worn-out reactors or their garbage. No place!

I miss my Dad. My Dad loved cheesy monster movies so we'd have Godzilla movie marathons. Those are some of my favorite memories laughing at how the monster outfits were so bad like black garbage bags for heads.

Computers may save time but they sure waste a lot of paper. About 98 percent of everything printed out by a computer is garbage that no one ever reads.

Okay let's talk about cartoon labels for half a second - some people think anything with a dog or a car or a colorful alien is garbage which is not true. Look at Big Moose Red. It's like a $6 wine with a cheesy label and it's actually a solid wine.

I always believe that to be the best you have to smell like the best dress like the best act like the best. When you throw your trash in the garbage can it has to be better than anybody else who ever threw trash in the garbage can.

People say I'm extravagant because I want to be surrounded by beauty. But tell me who wants to be surrounded by garbage?