Search For funeral In Quotes 26

A wedding is a funeral where you smell your own flowers.

I seldom go into a natural history museum without feeling as if I were attending a funeral.

Rome - the city of visible history where the past of a whole hemisphere seems moving in funeral procession with strange ancestral images and trophies gathered from afar.

When elected officials abandon our environment and ruin our natural resources public health is endangered. I know the importance of providing a clean environment for our children I have attended more than one funeral for a child who has died from an asthma attack.

I used to work in a funeral home to feel good about myself just the fact that I was breathing.

I've been to many funerals of funny people and they're some of the funniest days you'll ever have because the emotions run high.

If you want to really know what your friends and family think of you die broke and then see who shows up for the funeral.

I was one those kids who had books on them. Before weddings Bar Mitzvahs funerals and anything else where you're actually meant to not be reading my family would frisk me and take the book away. If they didn't find it by this point in the procedure I would be sitting over in that corner completely unnoticed just reading my book.

Success is a public affair. Failure is a private funeral.

I was fantasising about my own death I started thinking what my funeral would be like and what music would be played I was at that level of insanity.