Search For foster In Quotes 32

The openness of rural Nebraska certainly influenced me. That openness in a way fosters the imagination. But growing up Lincoln wasn't a small town. It was a college town. It had record stores and was a liberal place.

The 2012 London Olympic Games fostered a generation of hope. I witnessed women participating for the very first time representing every nation.

To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival.

The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.

Americans want and deserve a broad array of health insurance choices so they can identify those that best fit their own individual or family needs. These choices expand when we allow free enterprise to foster innovation not smother it with taxes and one-size fits all ideology.

Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments poorer health lower cognitive development and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves thereby repeating the cycle.

Take young researchers put them together in virtual seclusion give them an unprecedented degree of freedom and turn up the pressure by fostering competitiveness.

A good job is more than just a paycheck. A good job fosters independence and discipline and contributes to the health of the community. A good job is a means to provide for the health and welfare of your family to own a home and save for retirement.

Moderation is part of faith so those who accuse Muslim schools of fostering fanaticism should learn a bit more about Islam.

A commitment to human rights cannot be fostered simply through the transmission of knowledge. Action and experience play a crucial role in the learning process.

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Growing up going to Christian school and the concept that you're born a sinner and you don't really have a choice to change who you are has been hammered into my head and created the entire reason why I made art and made a band and made records called 'Antichrist Superstar.'