Search For forced In Quotes 102

I never wore a tie voluntarily even though I was forced to wear one for photos when I was young and for official events at school. I used to wrap my tie in a newspaper and whenever the teacher checked I would quickly put it on again. I'm not used to it. Most Bolivians don't wear ties.

I have nothing but sympathy for the people who are forced to work with me. I'm better now at picking out those that want to play that game with me and those that don't.

Success can't be forced.

We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure.

Suppressed grief suffocates it rages within the breast and is forced to multiply its strength.

The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society and could be followed even if no law existed and others that are of advantage to a ruling minority but harmful to the masses of men and can be enforced on them only by terror.

Where justice is denied where poverty is enforced where ignorance prevails and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress rob and degrade them neither persons nor property will be safe.

What's really sad is that a lot of very talented people are being forced to do things that are very embarrassing and I don't intend to be one of them.

I think one of the downsides of the sort of obsession with romantic love and personal fulfillment is that the plain fact of the matter is that those feelings don't last for ever and so they better be replaced and reinforced by things that do.

I have the utmost respect for those who have come to this country legally and have contributed to the great melting pot that is America today. But those who have crossed our borders illegally have broken the law and the law ought to be enforced.

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The most used piece of kit in my kitchen is my saucepan. I use it every morning to cook my porridge in. The least used piece of equipment? I'd say a food mixer. I've never used it I don't really know what they're for.