Search For fools In Quotes 57

Give fools their gold and knaves their power let fortune's bubbles rise and fall who sows a field or trains a flower or plants a tree is more than all.

Only fools are positive.

By nominating Chuck Hagel to be his Defense secretary President Obama is putting forward an aloof contrarian who doesn't suffer fools - a striving politician who considers himself above politics.

I am two fools I know for loving and for saying so in whining poetry.

The services in wartime are fit only for desperadoes but in peace are only fit for fools.

People who don't see their nature and imagine they can practice thoughtlessness all the time are lairs and fools.

Nature makes only dumb animals. We owe the fools to society.

Mom spent the time that she was supposed to be a kid actully raising children her younger brother and younger sister. She was tough as nails and did not suffer fools at all. And the truth was she could not afford to. She spoke the truth bluntly directly and without much varnish. I am her son.

Some old men continually praise the time of their youth. In fact you would almost think that there were no fools in their days but unluckily they themselves are left as an example.

Controversy equalizes fools and wise men - and the fools know it.