Search For folly In Quotes 44

At sixty I know little more about wisdom than I did at thirty but I know a great deal more about folly.

I prefer the folly of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom.

In the vain laughter of folly wisdom hears half its applause.

To keep your secret is wisdom but to expect others to keep it is folly.

The hours of folly are measured by the clock but of wisdom no clock can measure.

Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.

But what is liberty without wisdom and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils for it is folly vice and madness without tuition or restraint.

War contains so much folly as well as wickedness that much is to be hoped from the progress of reason.

Whether a party can have much success without a woman present I must ask others to decide but one thing is certain no party is any fun unless seasoned with folly.

Each is under the most sacred obligation not to squander the material committed to him not to sap his strength in folly and vice and to see at the least that he delivers a product worthy the labor and cost which have been expended on him.

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I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents.