Search For flower In Quotes 137

My strength never came from political echelons it came from the family. And from the fields and the lands and the flowers and everything I see there. My strength came from there.

I was born on a farm. My strength has nothing to do with political apparatus. I get my strength from nature from flowers.

That though the radiance which was once so bright be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass glory in the flower. We will grieve not rather find strength in what remains behind.

The flower in the vase smiles but no longer laughs.

What if the Soviet intervention was a blessing in disguise? It saved the myth that if the Soviets were not to intervene there would have been some flowering authentic democratic socialism and so on. I'm a little bit more of a pessimist there. I think that the Soviets - it's a very sad lesson - by their intervention saved the myth.

Everybody has a right to like or dislike anything or anyone. From a flower to a flavor to a book or a composition but it is very sad that in our country we actually fight over such things in an unseemly manner.

I seldom think about my limitations and they never make me sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times but it is vague like a breeze among flowers.

I'm very romantic. I've emptied flower shops.

I'm a romantic and I like guys to bring flowers and buy some gifts - not expensive things just romantic things.

I like to be bought flowers and taken out for dinner. I like a man to be a gentleman. I don't like to be treated as if I am brainless. I like to be respected and to give respect.