Search For finger In Quotes 60

My stories are about humans and how they react or fail to react or react stupidly. I'm pointing the finger at us not at the zombies. I try to respect and sympathize with the zombies as much as possible.

I think a responsibility comes with notoriety but I never think of it as power. It's more like something you hold like grains of sand. If you keep your hand closed you can have it and possess it but if you open your fingers in any way you can lose it just as quickly.

The days when the words 'Hollywood actor' framed Ronald Reagan like bunny fingers as an ID tag and an implied insult seem far-off and quaint: nearly everybody in politics - candidate consultant pundit and Tea Party crowd extra alike - is an actor now a shameless ham in a hoked-up reality series that never stops.

When I was in college I used to write little ditties and short stories and poetry for my friends. Writing a book is another thing. It is so much different from my traditional day of dirty fingernails and greasy hair and hot pans.

I'm sorry man but I've got magic. I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time - and this includes naps - I'm an F-18 bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground.

Some people put up a peace sign with one hand. Some people put up the middle finger instead. I use two hands and put up both.

The ideology of the Smashing Pumpkins was ultimately more valuable than the music of the Smashing Pumpkins. That's what critics can't put their finger on.

The moving finger writes and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit can cancel half a line of it.

How many movies do you see when you can say this director really knew what film he wanted to make? I can count them on the fingers of one hand.

Marriage: a ceremony in which rings are put on the finger of the lady and through the nose of the gentleman.