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For behaviorist films that's been much more useful - the change of technology - but for my kind of films doing them on film is much better because it's more beautiful.

You can get digital technology that almost is film quality and go make little films and do everything you can to find a little understanding of your own voice and it will grow - Don't take no for an answer - Take every opportunity you can to do something.

All this technology has not changed the way NFL Films does business and our process. Yes with one touch of a button now you reach millions of people but it is still the same approach that my father and I started out with.

I don't particularly enjoy watching films in 3D because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film has a very three-dimensional quality to it so I'm somewhat sceptical of the technology.

I love films that make me react emotionally and physically when you walk out of the cinema. Two of my favorite films however have got to be 'The Tree Of Life' and 'The Piano Teacher ' which also stars one of my favourite actresses Isabelle Huppert.

I first decided to become an actor at school. A teacher gave us a play to do and that had a major impact. At first I wanted to work in the theatre but there was something about the ambience of film especially American films that always attracted me.

Independent films have a very different cachet than success films.

When you look at golf films before us they're all - garbage or satire. A lot of sports films tend to vilify the opposition. Where the opposition becomes this big angry monster so big you can't beat him.

I love the live performances and Las Vegas. I also like making films that are being discovered by another generation. Having been a teen idol of the '60s is great because you realize you left your generation with a smile and good memories.

I've always been a fan of science fiction films and I've never been able to put my particular spin on it.