Search For filmmaker In Quotes 41

In anything I've ever written all the characters sound like me which I don't think is a bad thing. It makes sense. But I had always admired filmmakers who made movies that didn't sound like them at all.

I don't think people have been able to deal with the fact that African American filmmakers can make movies about life and relationships.

If the goal is to get the best artists actors and filmmakers in the world to create the best movies Hollywood does a decent job. And I think no one would disagree with me that it also makes a ton of bad movies and employs a bunch of hacks.

I've been involved with violent movies and then I've also said at a certain point 'I can't take it anymore. Please cut it.' You know you've got to respect the filmmaker and it's a really tough issue.

Being the son of a filmmaker you are aware of a career as a director. You don't think of it as just movies but as a life.

You can't work in the movies. Movies are all about lighting. Very few filmmakers will concentrate on the story. You get very little rehearsal time so anything you do onscreen is a kind of speed painting.

Everybody's a filmmaker today.

There's some movies I watch they're kind of like my anti-anxiety pill my anti-depressant pill. I watch them at least once or twice a month probably. And I never stop learning from them as a filmmaker.

I hope people don't compare 2D and 3D because 3D's new it's unfair to compare to 2D which is really sophisticated even when we're jaded about it. 3D just began give it a chance let the equipment and projection system catch up and be better let the price go down let more filmmakers get a hold of it more easily.

Producing is so exciting because you can enable things to happen whether it's like discovering a filmmaker who you're taking a chance on protecting a battle and driving home at the end of the day just going 'I'm so glad I stayed late at work and fought hard for that. Had my passion. Won that battle.'