In my wildest imagination I never thought that the fifth of six children born to Helen and Buddy Watts - in a poor black neighborhood in the poor rural community of Eufaula Oklahoma - would someday be called Congressman.
If a dog doesn't put you first where are you both? In what relation? A dog needs God. It lives by your glances your wishes. It even shares your humor. This happens about the fifth year. If it doesn't happen you are only keeping an animal.
We need to recognise that the whole edifice of our fifth estate of our journalism has been built on a foundation of newspaper journalism and that that foundation is crumbling. The management of the media companies will deny that the end is nigh. I hope they are right.
In any crass political calculation drilling for oil will always win more votes than putting a price on carbon. But if I recall what I was taught in fifth-grade American government class we elect presidents to do more than crass political calculations.
The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.
The last thing I want my child to see is Dad running around in the middle of the pack. That would really upset me. And that would upset him. I would be embarrassed to take him to school with kids saying 'Hey how'd your dad do this weekend?' 'Well he finished fifth or sixth'.
My mother taught public school went to Harvard and then got her master's there and taught fifth and sixth grade in a public school. My dad had a more working-class lifestyle. He didn't go to college. He was an auto mechanic and a bartender and a janitor at Harvard.
I have never been jealous. Not even when my dad finished fifth grade a year before I did.
And fifth we will champion small businesses America's engine of job growth. That means reducing taxes on business not raising them. It means simplifying and modernizing the regulations that hurt small business the most. And it means that we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare.
It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said 'Remember my son if you ever need a helping hand you'll find one at the end of your arm.'