Search For fifteen In Quotes 29

It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous.

I confess that for fifteen years my efforts in education and my hopes of success in establishing a system of national education have always been associated with the idea of coupling the education of this country with the religious communities which exist.

Everything that everyone is afraid of has already happened: The fragility of capitalism which we don't want to admit the loss of the empire of the United States and American exceptionalism. In fact American exceptionalism is that we are exceptionally backward in about fifteen different categories from education to infrastructure.

We are living in 1937 and our universities I suggest are not half-way out of the fifteenth century. We have made hardly any changes in our conception of university organization education graduation for a century - for several centuries.

I put on fifteen pounds of muscle so that was a lot of eating chicken and a high protein low-carb diet. Also a lot of heavy lifting and a very different kind of training with an ex-navy SEAL guy who wanted to kill me every time I got with him. In a good way.

I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?

My dad and mom divorced when I was around ten and I didn't live with him after that though he was close by and we saw each other weekly. I wasn't really aware that he was a writer I didn't start reading his writing until I was about fifteen. It occurred to me then that my dad was kind of special he's still one of my favorite writers.

I was always interested in fashion and beauty. I was fifteen when I was scouted in a flea market. Two years later I arrived in New York. I was in awe because it was like another planet.

To look almost pretty is an acquisition of higher delight to a girl who has been looking plain for the first fifteen years of her life than a beauty from her cradle can ever receive.

At fifteen beauty and talent do not exist there can only be promise of the coming woman.