Search For feminist In Quotes 53

I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women and I'll always be a feminist.

I'm thankful for the work that feminists like Gloria Steinem have done. I am a feminist but the geography for women today is vastly different than it was in the '60s.

Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society.

If you say I'm for equal pay that's a reform. But if you say. I'm a feminist that's a transformation of society.

My parents divorced when I was born and my mother is a political science professor like a feminist Mormon which is sort of an oxymoron.

I'm a feminist but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering encompassing love - and it being more important and special than anything and everything else.

I wanted to be an actress. In college I was a serious feminist and very political. I was determined to get one thing out of my career and that was respect. I didn't want money. I didn't care about fame.

Why do you think I write these feminist songs to try and teach myself to respect myself. You know it's not because I'm a hero.

I am a feminist and what that means to me is much the same as the meaning of the fact that I am Black: it means that I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.

First and foremost I'm a feminist. And basically that stems from a strong belief that all people and creatures deserve equal opportunity rights and respect.