Search For feminism In Quotes 28

I'm appalled the word feminism has been denigrated to a place of almost ridicule and I very passionately believe the word needs to be revalued and reintroduced with power and understanding that this is a global picture.

We all fight over what the label 'feminism' means but for me it's about empowerment. It's not about being more powerful than men - it's about having equal rights with protection support justice. It's about very basic things. It's not a badge like a fashion item.

I don't think feminism as I understand the definition implies the rejection of maternal values nurturing children caring about the men in your life. That is just nonsense to me.

Obviously the anti-ERA people are tickled about my ordeal because it proves that the ERA breaks up families. When they point out that feminism is a dangerous thing I just say marriage is pretty precarious too.

Feminism is dated? Yes for privileged women like my daughter and all of us here today but not for most of our sisters in the rest of the world who are still forced into premature marriage prostitution forced labor - they have children that they don't want or they cannot feed.

The Myth of Male Power dealt much more with the political issues the legal issues sexual harassment date rape women who kill and those issues were very much more interfaced with the agendas of feminism.

Whatever feminists may say about their only advocating choices everyone knows the truth: Feminism regards work outside the home as more elevating honorable and personally productive than full-time mothering and making a home.

Feminism's agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to choose between public justice and private happiness.

First I would probably place men at the bottom of the food chain. On a grander scale I would say they're reacting to change. Feminism has got to be part of that.

The left ask people to believe that there is no conflict between feminism and the family.

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When you're an artist there's always a moment in your life when you think you're not inspired and instead of doing things and instead of travel and instead of falling in love you're just depressed so you don't move so you don't change. So you're not inspired.