Search For favourite In Quotes 20

For me the stunts are so cool they're one of my favourite things when we're doing the film.

The trick with computers I think is to approach old and new things with the same reverence as you would like your favourite chair and not be seduced by the constant innovation otherwise you never do anything.

Change is one of my favourite words.

ER was one of my favourites. I played a car accident victim who has leukemia. I got to wear a neck brace and nose tubes for the two days I worked.

But my most favourite pursuit after my daily exertions at the Foundry was Astronomy. There were frequently clear nights when the glorious objects in the Heavens were seen in most attractive beauty and brilliancy.

Listening to my regular favourites - Mozart Beethoven Brahms and so on - I always feel quite misguidedly that nothing can be too bad if such beauty and brilliance exists in the world.

When I'm in London Claridge's is a great favourite. I'm a big fan of art deco architecture and the rooms are extraordinary.

I have my favourite fashion decade yes yes yes: '60s. It was a sort of little revolution the clothes were amazing but not too exaggerated.

I love Benny Hill. He one of my favourites of aaall time. Like the way Benny did it he was just amazing. Just seeing how he put songs together and comedy and the timing and the sketches. He was way ahead of his time.

'Bombing Afghanistan back into the Stone Age' was quite a favourite headline for some wobbly liberals. The slogan does all the work. But an instant's thought shows that Afghanistan is being if anything bombed out of the Stone Age.

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It seemed that rebellion must have an unassailable base something guarded not merely from attack but from the fear of it: such a base as we had in the Red Sea Parts the desert or in the minds of the men we converted to our creed.