Search For fascination In Quotes 14

We lived in a one-bedroom apartment in Northwest D.C. I was essentially raised by a Panamanian man and a Jamaican woman. That's why I have such a fascination with Jamaican food.

I got a fascination with food.

In the first book of my Discworld series published more than 26 years ago I introduced Death as a character there was nothing particularly new about this - death has featured in art and literature since medieval times and for centuries we have had a fascination with the Grim Reaper.

There's such an array of brilliant roles for young women. You read all these amazing young women going through different stages in their life - different stages different fascinations different textualities different friendships.

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By no means do I want to be a piece of meat for the rest of my career. It's funny when you get asked to do a talk show and then they follow it up with requesting you take your shirt off.