Search For farmer In Quotes 32

It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.

Understanding where your food comes from trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and having a better connection to the food around you and the people around you only good can come of that. I love to be involved with things like that.

If we as a society are willing to have a preference for organic food the farmer can pass on the savings.

I am but one member of a vast team made up of many organizations officials thousands of scientists and millions of farmers - mostly small and humble - who for many years have been fighting a quiet oftentimes losing war on the food production front.

Cajun is country food by farmers and fisherman that arrived in Louisiana from Acadiana Canada.

Urban conservationists may feel entitled to be unconcerned about food production because they are not farmers. But they can't be let off so easily for they are all farming by proxy.

Go to the grocery store and buy better things. Buy quality buy organic buy natural go to the farmers market. Immediately that's going to increase the quality of the food you make.

When the farmer can sell directly to the consumer it is a more active process. There's more contact. The consumer can know who am I buying this from? What's their name? Do they have a face? Is the food they are selling coming out of Mexico with pesticides?

The public should know that the liability issues here have yet to be resolved or even raised. If you're a farmer and you're growing a genetically engineering food crop those genes are going to flow to the other farm.

There are times like after a long day of work when the thought of an easy drive-through is enticing. But then I remember how crappy I felt when I ate fast food in the past and it inspires me to head to the grocery store or my local farmer's market and whip up an easy but healthier option.