Search For falsehood In Quotes 34

The greatest truth is honesty and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty.

Once to every person and nation come the moment to decide. In the conflict of truth with falsehood for the good or evil side.

It is more from carelessness about truth than from intentionally lying that there is so much falsehood in the world.

Falsehood has an infinity of combinations but truth has only one mode of being.

Falsehood is easy truth so difficult.

The opposite of a fact is falsehood but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.

Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established that unless we love the truth we cannot know it.

Beyond a doubt truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness.

We have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood.

Truth like light blinds. Falsehood on the contrary is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.

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