Search For fairy In Quotes 33

'Snow White' is an old fairy tale so obviously the idea of vanity and obsession with youth is long-standing. With today's science people have become crazy with trying to move their face around. It's bizarre.

I'm a hopeless romantic and I believe that you can find love in many different places and be very conflicted. I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.

I loved fairy tales when I was a kid. Grimm. The grimmer the better. I loved gruesome gothic tales and in that respect I liked Bible stories because to me they were very gothic.

My relationship with Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm reaches far back into my childhood. I grew up with Grimm's fairy tales. I even saw a theater production of 'Tom Thumb' during Advent at the State Theater in Danzig which my mother took me to see.

Obsessed by a fairy tale we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace.

I love all the old classic Disney movies. 'Pinocchio.' There are obviously tons of them that anybody growing up on that stuff takes with them their whole lives and I'm an admirer of a lot of classic animation and fairy tales. I grew up on a book of Grimm's fairy tales that I kind of wore out again and again. That's all stuff that lingers with you.

My joking answer to this question is that I leave a bowl of milk out on the back porch every night for the Idea Fairy. In the morning the milk is gone and there's a brand-new shiny idea by the bowl.

My first marriage was very traditional in the church and then we left the church and went to the reception hall. So this time I'd like to go fairy tale all the way.

Fairy tales opened up a door into my imagination - they don't conform to the reality that's around you as a child. I started reading when I was three and read everything but I wanted to be an actress.

I'm a firm believer that lighting affects mood and twinkly lights on strings bring something magical to occasions ranging from concerts to weddings though I'm fond of using them as year-round home decor. There's a reason why they're sometimes called fairy lights. When the night is right there aren't any strings at all.