Search For fairness In Quotes 28

Today's Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments. Those amendments speak to a sense of decency and fairness that I and other Blacks cherish.

I keep telling myself to calm down to take less of an interest in things and not to get so excited but I still care a lot about liberty freedom of speech and expression and fairness in journalism.

Fairness forces you - even when you're writing a piece highly critical of say genetically modified food as I have done - to make sure you represent the other side as extensively and as accurately as you possibly can.

A close family member once offered his opinion that I exhibit the phone manners of a goat then promptly withdrew the charge - out of fairness to goats.

My own mother always taught me that fairness was a family value - I think equal pay is about fairness for everyone.

We have the incredible privilege of serving in the highest offices in the state. We must prove ourselves worthy of our fellow citizens' faith. We must be trusted to always place the public's good above our own and to always choose fairness over favoritism.

No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.

It must not be forgotten in fairness to the National Government that apartheid is not just a policy of oppression but an attempt - in my opinion an attempt doomed to failure - to find an alternative to a policy of racial integration which is fair to both white and black.

Where terrorists offer injustice disorder and destruction the United States and its allies stand for freedom fairness equality hope and opportunity.

Elections are also about the future - the pledges that we are making for this country. For those who care about equality and fairness in the UK and beyond Labour really is the only choice.