Search For facts In Quotes 141

Facts are many but the truth is one.

There's a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth.

Mr. Speaker the Delaware River deepening project is important for my constituents for our region and for the entire nation. I trust that when they examine the facts about it every one of my colleagues will join me in supporting it.

If the president is failing to disclose material facts with regard to legislation being presented to the Congress on a question as important as war and peace I think it does impair the level of trust that the House and the Senate have for this administration.

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

The imaginations which people have of one another are the solid facts of society.

To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.

Tact and diplomacy are fine in international relations in politics perhaps even in business in science only one thing matters and that is the facts.

I think that if the novel's task is to describe where we find ourselves and how we live now the novelist must take a good hard look at the most central facts of contemporary life - technology and science.

Cosmologists have attempted to account for the day-to-day laws you find in textbooks in terms of fundamental 'superlaws ' but the superlaws themselves must still be accepted as brute facts. So maybe the ultimate laws of nature will always be off-limits to science.

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There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake art that stands above classes art that is detached from or independent of politics. Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause.