Search For extinct In Quotes 18

At issue was the question whether this man's faith could prevail against a man whose equal faith it was that this society is sick beyond saving and that mercy itself pleads for its swift extinction and replacement by another.

Keep the faith don't lose your perseverance and always trust your gut extinct.

Technology has a great advantage in that we are capable of creating dinosaurs and show them on the screen even though they are extinct 65 million years. All of a sudden we have a fantastic tool that is as good as dreams are.

Species go extinct because there are historical contraints built into a given body or a given design.

It's a matter of life and death for this country. The Kenyan forests are facing extinction and it is a man-made problem.

The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy indifference and undernourishment.

The damage that climate change is causing and that will get worse if we fail to act goes beyond the hundreds of thousands of lives homes and businesses lost ecosystems destroyed species driven to extinction infrastructure smashed and people inconvenienced.

That last day does not bring extinction to us but change of place.

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I played teen roles until high definition came out and I could never understand it. I would go in for adult roles and be older than many of the people auditioning but they'd cast the girl without a line on her face.