Search For exploring In Quotes 27

There certainly is no secret in that there are plenty of people who don't like plenty of my movies. Each one of my films is personal each one of my films is emotionally autobiographical. And I like directors who do that. With each one of my films I'm exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.

The best movies have one sentence that they're exploring a thesis something that people can argue about over dinner afterward.

Some of the best times I've spent in Colorado have been in the backcountry with my mom and siblings and more recently with my own kids. That is why I'm concerned to see today's kids spending more time browsing the Internet than exploring nature.

I found it an interesting portrait of a marriage in exploring notions of how one partner supports the other whilst not jeopardizing the greater good - which is the family.

Together with a team of financial and legal experts I have spent months exploring all possible alternatives to bankruptcy but to no avail.

I want to keep learning keep exploring keep doing more.

Well I think that part of being young is not exactly knowing why you do some of the things that you do. And it's by exploring your life or experimenting or making mistakes and learning from them hopefully that you start to forge an identity.

I didn't have a regular school experience and wanted a more abstract way of learning. I started exploring in lots of different creative ways. It gave me the opportunity to travel and play music so it was good for me.

Being steeped in the process of learning and exploring keeps me from becoming too nervous. Partly it's about not getting bored.

You should be having more fun in high school exploring things because you want to explore them and learning because you love learning-not worrying about competition.

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It is in the very nature of things human that every act that has once made its appearance and has been recorded in the history of mankind stays with mankind as a potentiality long after its actuality has become a thing of the past.