Search For explore In Quotes 65

I hope every woman out there who wants to be a mother and is suffering with infertility will explore all the options and know that if you choose the science route it is okay.

Science fiction encourages us to explore... all the futures good and bad that the human mind can envision.

Equipped with his five senses man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.

Further the dignity of the science itself seems to require that every possible means be explored for the solution of a problem so elegant and so celebrated.

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars conquer the deserts eradicate disease tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce.

Even when I begin with a situation that's basically funny or sad I like to keep poking around in it. I like to get into the middle of a relationship to explore the subtle places.

If I were given a choice between two films and one was dark and explored depraved troubled or sick aspects of our culture I would always opt for that over the next romantic comedy.

I confess I am a romantic. I love romance and I think it's really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply.

We all would like to see a brighter future for Haiti and I hope this conference will serve to explore many views. Respect for human rights freedom and the rule of law must be established in the poorest nation in our hemisphere.

First play I ever did was 'Footloose.' I played the part of Willard when I was 16. I think I wore my drama teacher's jeans and her belt - that's how small I was. I know a lot of Willard's back story from the musical that's not explored in the film. Like he's got this whole relationship with his mama and he sings this song 'Mama Says.'