Search For experienced In Quotes 58

I'm not an old experienced hand at politics. But I am now seasoned enough to have learned that the hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.

An experienced reader uses the poem as an agent of inquiry. This makes poetry very exciting unstable and interactive.

I have experienced healing through other writers' poetry but there's no way I can sit down to write in the hope a poem will have healing potential. If I do I'll write a bad poem.

Only the person who has experienced light and darkness war and peace rise and fall only that person has truly experienced life.

Those who have experienced the most have suffered so much that they have ceased to hate. Hate is more for those with a slightly guilty conscience and who by chewing on old hate in times of peace wish to demonstrate how great they were during the war.

While not impossible it is especially challenging for teenage parents to develop bonds with their children. A high percent of them were themselves children of teenage parents and have never experienced appropriate parenting.

It's been a transformative period and I really wanted to make music from what I've experienced.

I was a very undisciplined person but acting was something that actually motivated me to get up in the morning. I hadn't experienced that before but it was something that really excited me. I think I could be quite self-conscious and it gave me a release.

Men know everything - all of them - all the time - no matter how stupid or inexperienced or arrogant or ignorant they are.

I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

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The days of our lives for all of us are numbered. We know that. And yes there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human.