Search For executive In Quotes 41

The principles of a free constitution are irrecoverably lost when the legislative power is nominated by the executive.

Concentration of executive power unless it's very temporary and for specific circumstances let's say fighting world war two it's an assault on democracy.

I am opposed to the accumulation of executive power anywhere.

The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power.

If those in charge of our society - politicians corporate executives and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.

The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself.

I hadn't made a big-budget film and in Hollywood there's a sort of man and boys situation. You're a man you make $80 million movies! As if it's harder to make an $80 million movie. Well I guess businesswise it is because you have more executives to argue with.

Leaders of the future will have to be visionary and be able to bring people in - real communicators. These are things that women bring to leadership and executive positions and it's going to be incredibly valuable and incredibly in demand.

We have a country to turn around. This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity or loftiness with leadership.

This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity or loftiness with leadership.