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Here again as I conceive gentlemen forget that this government is a republican one resting exclusively in the intelligence and virtue of the People.

The history of all countries shows that the working class exclusively by its own effort is able to develop only trade-union consciousness.

That the Jews assumed a right exclusively to the benefits of God will be a lasting witness against them and the same will it be against Christians.

I try to learn from the past but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's were the fun is.

Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.

If you go back to the time of J.P. Morgan the world of high finance was completely wholesale. The prestigious investment banks on Wall Street appealed exclusively to large corporations governments and to extremely wealthy individuals.

Experience which was once claimed by the aged is now claimed exclusively by the young.

I like the idea of dating but I'm not dating anyone exclusively particularly right now. It's hard to be in a relationship unless you're ready to go public with it. So it's a lot easier for me to not be in a relationship. I really don't want that part of my life to be tabloid fodder.

The god whom science recognizes must be a God of universal laws exclusively a God who does a wholesale not a retail business. He cannot accommodate his processes to the convenience of individuals.

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There is an irresistible demand to strengthen the leadership of the constructive forces of the world at the present momentous time. This is true because of stupendous almost unbelievable changes which have taken place in recent years on every continent.