Search For evening In Quotes 68

There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out from morning till evening - figure pictures and landscapes more rarely portraits.

I lived at home and I cycled every morning to the railway station to travel by train to Johannesburg followed by a walk to the University carrying sandwiches for my lunch and returning in the evening the same way.

I m up at 5 in the morning and in bed by 10 in the evening.

It's disrespectful to tell the French in the morning that you're going to reduce the debt in the evening that you're not going to make any savings and the next morning after thinking about it that you're going to spend more.

Marilyn Monroe was no fun to work with. She would report to work around 5:00 in the evening. You've been in make-up since 8:30 in the morning waiting for her.

We were making new ones the second year. We were in syndication the second year. So we were on Saturday nights prime time every morning and then they put it on Sunday evenings too. So it was all over the place.

One's age should be tranquil as childhood should be playful. Hard work at either extremity of life seems out of place. At midday the sun may burn and men labor under it but the morning and evening should be alike calm and cheerful.

We know that a man can read Goethe or Rilke in the evening that he can play Bach and Schubert and go to his day's work at Auschwitz in the morning.

I wake up every morning and I feel like I'm juggling glass balls. I live in Los Angeles my business is run out of London and most evenings I'm cuddled up in front of Skype in my dressing gown speaking with my studio in London. I travel a lot my team travel a lot but I wouldn't have it any other way.

The result was that if it happened to clear off after a cloudy evening I frequently arose from my bed at any hour of the night or morning and walked two miles to the observatory to make some observation included in the programme.