Search For establishment In Quotes 29

Over the years the political establishment has frowned if a mainstream politician mentions marriage.

Today corruption has won and justice has lost. I brought corruption cases in good faith involving powerful people and the political and legal establishment blatantly covered up and retaliated by targeting my law license.

Home is the most popular and will be the most enduring of all earthly establishments.

The issue of civil rights was too much for the establishment to handle. One of the chapters of history that's least studied by historians is the 300 to 500 riots in the U.S. between 1965 and 1970.

The Establishment center... has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war is a moral and political disaster - a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation.

The Establishment Clause prohibits government from making adherence to a religion relevant in any way to a person's standing in the political community.

Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.

There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment.

It's almost seems as though there's a battle going on between the public and all the fast-food establishments and believe me I think it's very tasty food.

There's no reason for the establishment to fear me. But it has every right to fear the people collectively - I am one with the people.