Search For episode In Quotes 29

You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the history of the optical projection and when the chemicals ended meaning the picture was fixed by chemicals we were in a new era.

Youth is the period in which a man can be hopeless. The end of every episode is the end of the world. But the power of hoping through everything the knowledge that the soul survives its adventures that great inspiration comes to the middle-aged.

At our best it's a good experience but we do 22 episodes a year so there are some clunkers.

The problem was to sustain at any cost the feeling you had in the theater that you were watching a real person yes but an intense condensation of his experience not simply a realistic series of episodes.

I've been looking to do TV for a while. I've always done guest starring stuff. I've done a couple of multi-episode arcs and I've always loved the experience.

I look at each episode in two ways - from a design standpoint and from an entertainment standpoint - this is TV after all. We usually succeed on at least one of the levels.

I was in two episodes playing Christopher Reeve's character's emissary. They wanted to have my character announce Dr Swan's death which I thought was exploitative.

I think when you're 10 years old it's too much to see something with the threat of death in every episode. Kids are better left naive about certain things.

For 'The Haunting Hour ' I thought it would be a lot of fun. It was great to play this cool kid role. My episode is called 'The Intruders' and my character is this mean angry teenager because her younger brother was just born and he gets all of the attention. She's always playing tricks on her family and there are some cool twists.

I'm constantly pitching one episode where we see life through Castle's eyes. I think Castle's just a little off as far as his perception goes. A very very clever man but I want to see the world as Castle sees it - kind of a rose-colored glasses all the women find him irresistible all the guys find him super cool and do whatever he says.

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If we can't begin to agree on fundamentals such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor then we really are not ready to march forward into the future.