Search For entitlement In Quotes 18

Let's be honest about this the liberal agenda with failed stimulus plans and government entitlement programs is crippling our economy and our quality of life.

By making bold cuts in spending and commonsense entitlement reforms we will make our government simpler smaller and smarter.

Julia progresses from cradle to grave showing how government makes every good thing in her life possible. The weak economy high unemployment falling wages rising gas prices the national debt the insolvency of entitlements - all these are fictionally assumed away in a cartoon that is produced by a president who wants us to forget about them.

The discussion in Washington has changed dramatically. I mean it's no longer a question of should we address entitlements - it's no longer a question of do we need to reduce spending in the future.

Our Founders warned against this. They said don't... that your liberty is only as secure as the people are. Because once they um get the ability to vote themselves entitlements from the largesse of the government liberty is done freedom is over with. We were warned. We are there.

Though beauty gives you a weird sense of entitlement it's rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe such importance to something you know you're just renting for a while.

When a parent shows up with an attitude of entitlement understand that under it is a boatload of anxiety.

We live in an age of instant knowledge. And there's almost a sense of entitlement to that.