Search For entertaining In Quotes 29

I've been acting my whole life. I have this huge imagination! I'm a dancer and my mom's a dance teacher and I was always performing and entertaining people. I'd go to see live theatre or a movie and I'd become the main character for a few days afterwards. I loved being somebody new for a temporary amount of time.

People know that they're going to see something which is entertaining but challenging as well because of the form it's in. It's dance theatre and it requires you to use your imagination - it's not straight forward.

I hope to keep entertaining in some way until I can't physically entertain any longer. It's what I was born to do and I love this profession.

I don't write literary fiction - I write books that are entertaining but are also I hope well-constructed and thoughtful and funny and have things to say about men and women and families and children and life in America today.

Animals are sentient intelligent perceptive funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.

I've thought for the last decade or so the only actual place raw truth was seeping through in newspapers was on the Comics Pages. They were able to pull off intelligent social comment pure truths not found elsewhere in the news pages and had the ability to make it all funny entertaining and pertinent.

My girlfriend Siri is a food blogger and we both love to entertain and eat. This is what happens when you're in your thirties: what was once a passion and real appetite for nightlife in New York City manifests itself into other things like entertaining at home.

Like baseball food will never go out of style we will always need to eat and we will always find it entertaining. I think of food TV this way - all the fun and none of the calories.

I kept thinking 'Somebody has to make a food show that is actually educational and entertaining at the same time... a show that got down to the 'why things happen.' Plus I hated my job - I didn't think it was very worthwhile.

I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips but I fear it would be overly long.