Search For employee In Quotes 33

The employer generally gets the employees he deserves.

In my case I pay a standard premium to participate in the Federal Employees' Health Benefits Plan for my wife and myself out of each month's paycheck.

San Francisco businesses face many challenges including high rents regulatory burdens and the rising cost of workers compensation insurance and employee health plans.

I would prefer a public option that would be a competitive option that would allow people to buy into a Federal Employee Health Benefits Program which is a series of private plans.

The majority of Americans receive health insurance coverage through their employers but with rising health care costs many small businesses can no longer afford to provide coverage for their employees.

We designed both our state employee health plans and the one we created for low-income Hoosiers as Health Savings Accounts and now in the tens of thousands these citizens are proving that they are fully capable of making smart consumerist choices about their own health care.

The reality is that the special interest groups that have lobbied against Free Choice Vouchers object to any measure that would empower employees to have a say in their health benefits because it begins to erode their power in the current health care system.

Without Free Choice Vouchers there is little in the health reform law that discourages employers from increasingly passing the burden of health care costs onto their employees.

We cannot continue. Our pension costs and health care costs for our employees are going to bankrupt this city.

If I were a capitalist I would not give my employees health insurance with no deductible which I do including dental and paid pregnancy leave. That's not called capitalism that's called being a Christian and someone who believes in democracy so that everyone should get a fair slice of the pie.