Search For empire In Quotes 40

I am utterly struck how 300 years after his execution Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Your real self - the 'I am I' - is master of this land the ruler of this empire. You rightfully have power and dominion over it all its inhabitants and all contained in its realm.

American influence in the world is certainly considerable but the United States does not control directly or indirectly the politics and economics of other societies as empires have always done save for a few special cases that turn out to be the exceptions that prove the rule.

Our civilization is now in the transition stage between the age of warring empires and a new age of world unity and peace.

To plunder to slaughter to steal these things they misname empire and where they make a wilderness they call it peace.

America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman.

Though the general principles of statecraft have survived the rise and fall of empires every increase in knowledge has brought about changes in the political economic and social structure.

My birth neither shook the German Empire nor caused much of an upheaval in the home. It pleased mother caused father a certain amount of pride and my elder brother the usual fraternal jealousy of a hitherto only son.

President Reagan was a leader at a time when the American people most needed leadership. He outlined a vision that captured the imagination of the free world a vision that toppled the Communist empire and freed countless millions.

I have behind me not only the splendid traditions and the annals of more than a thousand years but the living strength and majesty of the Commonwealth and Empire of societies old and new of lands and races different in history and origins but all by God's Will united in spirit and in aim.

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Somebody should tell us right at the start of our lives that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.