Search For edged In Quotes 27

True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well.

Although... the Chief Magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party and stand pledged to its principles and measures yet in his official action he should not be the President of a party only but of the whole people of the United States.

The part which American friendship played in helping us to win the freedom we enjoy in this part of Ireland has been gratefully recognized and acknowledged by our people.

Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.

Men have looked upon the desert as barren land the free holding of whoever chose but in fact each hill and valley in it had a man who was its acknowledged owner and would quickly assert the right of his family or clan to it against aggression.

I think every chef not just in America but across the world has a double-edged sword - two jackets one that's driven a self-confessed perfectionist thoroughbred hate incompetence and switch off the stove take off the jacket and become a family man.

Furthermore both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.

If you are interested enough in the climate crisis to read this post, you probably know that 2 degrees Centigrade of warming (or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) is the widely acknowledged threshold for "dangerous" climate change.

Climate change was a point of division between Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney. The president declared climate change a global threat acknowledged that the actions of humanity were deepening the crisis and pledged to do something about it if elected.

The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such. All leaders whose fitness is questioned are clearly lacking in force.