Search For dressed In Quotes 55

I remember my mom dressed like Janis Joplin.

Growing up my mom was very strict about how I dressed and how I behaved and I said to myself that I wasn't going to be like that. But now I know I'm going to be exactly like my mom. I'm going to be worse!

I'm a mom so I have to be comfortable. Jeans are a staple - I have way too many in my closet! It's warm in Florida so I wear jeans and a tank top every day. I love my True Religions my Rich and Skinny and Citizens of Humanity. But I also love getting dressed up!

Hockey is a sport for white men. Basketball is a sport for black men. Golf is a sport for white men dressed like black pimps.

The government can still conduct clandestine searches of innocent people's private information such as library medical and financial records. This is wrong and should have been addressed in a true compromise.

It is sad that the Republican leadership is not as interested as they say they are in protecting the institution of marriage as they are in waging a campaign to divide and distract the American people from the real issues that need to be addressed.

There is no international problem that can be addressed or solved without the engagement and leadership of the United States and everybody in the world knows that its just fact of life. So sometimes I think we could conduct ourselves with a little more humility.

I had a non-existent knowledge of Queen Victoria's early years. Like everyone else I thought of her as an old lady dressed in black. My mom had told me about her though that she had a very loving relationship with Albert that they had lots of kids and that he died young.

Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.

To me the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg as a person as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style the way all the players dressed nice you know kept their hair looking good drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.