Search For double In Quotes 58

I was a dog in a past life. Really. I'll be walking down the street and dogs will do a sort of double take. Like Hey I know him.

If cats were double the size they are now they'd probably be illegal.

My grandmother and I saw an average of eight movies a week double features second run.

The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.

My mother smokes me out. We'll get these long periods of me thinking I'm too busy to call her up or e-mail her and she'll send me something. My mom's a real whiner. I love her to death but she always sends me these 'woe is me' things. I think she might be Jewish. I'm not sure. She's Baptist-Jewish which is a double whammy.

There are half a billion people that listen to music online and the vast majority are doing so illegally. But if we bring those people over to the legal side and Spotify what is going to happen is we are going to double the music industry and that will lead to more artists creating great new music.

Never stop learning knowledge doubles every fourteen months.

Since September 11th Congress has created the Department of Homeland Security more than doubled the homeland security budget and implemented a bipartisan overhaul of our intelligence systems.

I graduated from the University of Delaware with a double major in history and political science.

Our system of private health insurance that fails to provide coverage to so many of our citizens also contributes to the double-digit health care inflation that is making America less competitive in the global economy.