Search For dispose In Quotes 17

If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children's mouths and I do not wish to be that mean.

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing more to fear from them then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader.

I have now disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give them and that is the Christian religion.

I am less disposed to think of a West Point education as requisite for this business than I was at first. Good sense and energy are the qualities required.

We no longer dare to believe in beauty and we make of it a mere appearance in order the more easily to dispose of it.

Imagination disposes of everything it creates beauty justice and happiness which are everything in this world.

By far the greatest part of those goods which are the objects of desire are procured by labour and they may be multiplied not in one country alone but in many almost without any assignable limit if we are disposed to bestow the labour necessary to obtain them.

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This change to a higher phase of alert is a signal to governments to ministries of health and other ministries to the pharmaceutical industry and the business community that certain actions now should be undertaken with increased urgency and at an accelerated pace.