Search For diseases In Quotes 29

There's no one place a virus goes to die - but that doesn't make its demise any less a public health victory. Throughout human history viral diseases have had their way with us and for just as long we have hunted them down and done our best to wipe them out.

In today's world it is shortsighted to think that infectious diseases cannot cross borders. By allowing developing countries access to generic drugs we not only help improve health in those nations we also help ourselves control these debilitating and often deadly diseases.

Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors.

I think all Americans believe in human rights. And health is an often overlooked aspect of basic human rights. And it's one that's easily corrected. The reason I say that is that many of the diseases that we treat around the world I knew when I was a child. My mother was a registered nurse. And they no longer exist in our country.

Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.

One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.

When one gets in bed with government one must expect the diseases it spreads.

The interesting thing is while we die of diseases of affluence from eating all these fatty meats our poor brethren in the developing world die of diseases of poverty because the land is not used now to grow food grain for their families.

Authoritarian political ideologies have a vested interest in promoting fear a sense of the imminence of takeover by aliens and real diseases are useful material.

Alzheimer's Parkinson's brain and spinal cord disorders diabetes cancer at least 58 diseases could potentially be cured through stem cell research diseases that touch every family in America and in the world.